Our Purpose and Objectives
Montreal Park Residents’ Association (MPRA) covers households in Marlborough Crescent, Lyndhurst Drive and The Close in the Parish of Riverhead, Kent.
Our purpose is to serve the combined interests of Montreal Park’s residents in:
· Preserving and improving its amenities
· Fostering and encouraging the growth of community spirit among residents, and
· Taking up relevant matters concerning Montreal Park with the appropriate authorities.
In practice, most of our work focuses on preserving the character and features of Montreal Park. Caring for the trees on the grass verges is a continual effort not helped by ever hotter summers. Replacing trees currently takes up the bulk of MPRA’s costs - to find out how residents can help look after the trees see Verges & Trees.
We also monitor and alert residents to wider issues which may have an impact on Montreal Park. Occasionally we take action, such as in the case of the recent proposal to build 70 houses on green belt land off Brittain's Lane where we joined with other neighbouring Residents' Associations in fighting the developer's appeal.